Eye-catching, custom-designed brochures and advertisements will be created to market your property. In addition to direct-mailings in your local area, we utilize The Wendt Group mailing list to get your auction brochure into the hands of interested buyers. We will strategically advertise your property in local, regional, national, and agricultural newspapers and publications.
Your auction will have a custom page on thewendtgroup.com during the marketing campaign. Your page is regularly updated as needed. All advertising will promote the website and drive traffic to your custom auction page. Third-party websites such as auctionzip.com, landandfarm.com and specialty sites as applicable will also be utilized to maximize the buyer base, especially outside the state. Other online and social media advertising would include Facebook, Youtube, and Google.
FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAMWe post your auction information for over 2,500 potential buyers who follow The Wendt Group Facebook Page. We also boost our best performing posts with an additional $250 - $300 in advertising to reach an additional 5,000 to 10,000 people regionally. Instagram can also help build auction awareness by promoting the auction in a friendly, authentic way. Instagram is used mostly by millennials ages 18-30.
Potential buyers have requested to receive email updates when a new auction is posted to our website. Each subscriber receives a detailed email with auction information and select photos which link back to your designated web page on thewendtgroup.com.
Text alerts are sent out to our proprietary list of buyers to notify them of upcoming auctions and give them access to auction information instantly from their mobile device.
Large, highly-visible, attractive signs will be placed on the property announcing the sale date and time, auction site, and general information. For multi-tract real estate auctions, each individual tract will have signs with acreage and contact information.